Product Manager · Designer · Creative Talent · MBA
Sleek Slots (WIP)
This is my latest and most ambitious project, 3d slots with a twist.
It is almost finished and waiting to be launched or sold to a third party.
There are 8 completely different slot machines (only one is displayed here).
The backend is made in Unity3d. That was a pre-requirement since I wanted the backend and the main game share the same math codebase. A custom HTML/JS editor is communicating with the math engine. A quirky mixture of components, maybe a bit overwhelming and too cluttered, but it does the job. The data is kept securely with Amazon S3.
The math is the key to success for the slots games. The visuals are a nice addition to the overall experience, but it's the math (i.e. the combinations of the symbols and their progression) that dictates whether the game will be enjoyable for the player or not. Therefore quality math systems for the slots cost astonishingly high, and moreover there are not so many specialists who could cope with such a task.
So, this time I set out to make the math engine, the backend and the statistics system. Surely I could assign other people on this task, but I wanted to see if I can make it on my own. It was a challenge, but it's working. And I increased my C#/ JS knowledge to a great extent :)

Level 1

Math & statistics backend